Netflix首部自家制片的多镜头新喜剧﹑以青少年为目标的《亚莉克莎与凯蒂 Alexa & Katie》获续订第二季。《亚莉克莎与凯蒂》讲述两个长年好友Alexa(Paris Berelc Safety, an Original Film, premieres tomorrow on DisneyPlus. Inspired by the story of former Clemso A young aspiring writer discovers secrets about her family's past when she finds herself mysteri 当一名自称是Harrow儿子的年轻人突然死亡后,Harrow透露他知道自己有一个疏远的儿子,这让那些与他关系最密切的人震惊不已。但这个死去的年轻人真的是Harrow的儿子吗? 在一系列案件中孜孜不倦 A young aspiring writer discovers secrets about her family's past when she finds herself mysteriou 十六世纪初,皇后卡丝玲不能生育,英皇亨利八世和卡丝玲离异,另立恩妮为皇后。恩妮有野心,想杀享利八世自立为王。1517年,恩妮的密谋败露了,被享利八世送上断头台。恩妮执行死刑的当晚,亨利八世与第三个妻子祺恩结婚。祺恩在一次外出围猎时,难产死亡,留下一子威尔斯。克伦威尔和大臣们从政治关系的角度考虑,奏请享利迎娶德国杏公主为皇后,亨利不同意。宫中大宴群臣,亨利八世酒性正酣,凯塞琳主动献歌助兴。 本剧改编自Taffy Brodesser-Akner的同名畅销小说,作者本人担任编剧。 故事讲述了四十多岁的Toby Fleishman最近分居了,他当年医学院还没毕业就结了婚,如今一头栽进通过 Follows an investigation into an unsolved murder unveiling a story full of forbidden love, deceit In advance of the D-Day Landings, paratroopers from the US 82nd Airborne Division are dropped behi Dueling high school debate champs who are at odds on just about everything forge ahead with ambitiou 升级公告
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