Diogo (17) likes to make anonymous phone calls to his psychoanalyst mother’s patients. That’s how he 《受害者》《杀死伊芙》编剧Rob Williams创作,故事灵感来自他在多所监狱做社工的经历。 本剧将呈现21世纪的英国男子监狱中,狱警们真实可怕又充满黑色幽默的生活。 故事中心是处境艰难的狱 当一个老式的“开箱即用”盒子出土并打开时,它的新主人很快就有理由相信其中的令人毛骨悚然的小丑娃娃拥有自己的生命 A photographer, tasked to take photos of a rare flower in the mountain, discovers women trapped in a 尼古拉·哥白尼从小就对天文学感兴趣,并在父亲的鼓励下,希望在星星中找到一些未知的答案。当他在港口遇到荷兰占星家保罗后,更加深了对天文学的求知欲。随后,哥白尼在克拉科夫开始了大学生活。在这里,他遇到了对 Mehmet is a man living with his family in a mountain village in Black Sea. He earns his life breed 经历了丧母之痛的少女丽贝卡,跟随父亲从英国搬到了耶路撒冷,希望这个新的开始能够帮助她从母亲突然离世的伤痛中走出来。他们定居于一座老房子后不久,一连串神秘事件开始发生,而父亲怀疑是丽贝卡干的。丽贝卡开始 An Iranian couple living in the US become trapped inside a hotel when insidious events force them Two young women retreat to a remote holiday home. While one of them undertakes a medical abortion, t Set at the start of Covid, Family Portrait follows a family on an idle but hectic morning when they 升级公告
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