We all like to think we are in control of our lives - of what we feel and what we think. But scienti From the stage of the Royal Shakespeare Theatre in Stratford-upon-Avon, hosts David Tennant and Ca Corby镇出现多名天生四肢畸形缺陷的新生儿,调查发现可能与当地污染废料有关。 Drones are transforming our world. We use them to deliver our medicines, clean our skyscrapers and e Is your smart phone making you stupid? Can you make yourself cleverer? The Great British Intelligenc According to the UN, it is predicted that the human population could reach ten billion people by the We all have a biological clock ticking away inside us that governs our daily rhythms. This affects o The BBC's Horizon programme began in 1964, and since then has produced films looking at computer Deception is an integral part of human nature and it is estimated we all lie up to nine times a day. Suicide is the biggest killer of men under 50 in the UK - causing more deaths in this group than car 升级公告
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