Famous model become suspect in case of diamond robbery and homicide, must involve with farm owner who impressed with his part because he believe that she's innocent. Both of them find out about this together, along with breaking the wall of his hea
帕克(凯特·索尼娅·辛哈 Kat Sonya Singha 饰)出生在一个非常贫穷的家庭之中,她的母亲对她非常的粗暴,动辄打骂,可即便如此,帕克还是维持了乐观开朗的性格,与此同时,在和母亲周旋的过程中,帕克也渐渐习得了格斗术,拥有了能够自己保护自己的能力。 阿谷(凯特·索尼娅·辛哈 Kat Sonya Singha 饰)是衔着金汤匙出生的千金大小姐,虽然过着衣食无忧的生活,但是阿谷却并不感到快乐。一次偶然中,帕克和阿谷相遇了,她们震惊的发现,两人竟然有着极为相似的外表。机缘巧合之下,两人决定互换