一位不忠的新婚妻子、一位分居的父亲、一位牧师和一位愤怒的儿子突然发现自己陷入了最意想不到的困境,每个人都准备在一个决定命运的日子里经历自己的命运。 A family entangled in a police investigation surrounding the mysterious disappearance of tourists in The community that was exploited by the town's influential man, who completely rules due to the po A dark rainy night, an empty house, a stranded couple and an unknown man. A sleek game of the cat 开场分别介绍Kuttan,以及他的堂兄妹Divya和Aju,他们三人在童年时期就建立了友好关系,离开学校后各奔东西。在堂妹Divya嫁给Das后,重新团聚在班加罗尔。故事围绕他们在班加罗尔的生活而展开 在深入调查贩毒团伙制造的一场连环谋杀案的同时,特警Amar也察觉到更多的阴谋和疑云,和更大的危险…… Joji, an engineering dropout and the youngest son of the rich plantation family lives with his aspir Ruthless criminal activity is met with force from a maverick police officer with a disregard for the The community that was exploited by the town's influential man, who completely rules due to the powe 升级公告
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