An exclusive and immersive documentary that offers a unique behind-the-scenes look at the filming of Aired on HBO from 21 July 2002 to 8 September 2002 "Sex and the City" 是发生在纽约曼哈顿四个单身女人身上的故事。她们都事业成功,都时髦漂亮,都已不再年轻却自信魅力四射。她们共享彼此间牢固的友谊,也都面临共同的问题 Aired on HBO , TBS and CW from 4 June 2000 to 15 October 2000 Aired on HBO from 6 June 1999 to 3 October 1999 Aired on HBO from 22 June 2003 to 22 February 2004 HBO Max将制作《欲望都市》的10集复活限定剧,剧名定为《就这样... And Just Like That…》。故事将讲述Carrie、Miranda和Charlotte面对50多岁的复杂人 故事发生在万圣节的夜晚,男孩马克思(欧姆里·卡兹 Omri Katz 饰)在误打误撞之中点燃了邪恶的蜡烛,将在三百年前早已经死去的三名女巫威尼弗雷德(贝特·米德勒 Bette Midler 饰)、 Returning series regulars include Sarah Jessica Parker, Cynthia Nixon, Kristin Davis, Sara Ramírez 升级公告
2.将进行 TVBOX端 升级
3.并新增 TV客户端,届时将开放下载