想象你的脑部受损,无法正常说话,也无法自如控制自己的身体,你会怎么做? 本片展示了Richard脑部手术后的各种康复训练,以及他和妻子坚持不懈的心路历程。 In March 2018 an international team of scientists gathered in a remote valley in the Canadian Rockie We all have a biological clock ticking away inside us that governs our daily rhythms. This affects o The BBC's Horizon programme began in 1964, and since then has produced films looking at computer Suicide is the biggest killer of men under 50 in the UK - causing more deaths in this group than car https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b0bcmjht/horizon-2018-4-spina-bifida-me One in every 1,000 pr https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b0bb33ht/horizon-2018-3-how-to-build-a-time-machine Time trav Artificial Intelligence is starting to transform healthcare beyond recognition. The vision for tech In recent years a groundbreaking new study has been released into the effects of the contraceptive p 升级公告
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