BBC气象员彼得?吉布斯冲动地回到了他曾经生活和工作过的英国南极调查局哈雷研究站。当时,哈雷研究站在臭氧空洞的发现中起到了重要作用,而今天,它仍然在诸多领域作出了许多重要的发现,例如:人类生活如何受到 With exclusive behind-the-scenes access, Horizon follows the highs and lows of an extraordinary stor 人为什么会笑?笑的本质是什么?笑声在社交中有什么作用?大脑能分辨真笑和假笑吗?存在全世界通行的喜剧吗? The acerbically witty and severely facially disfigured broadcaster Adam Pearson presents a personal 从保龄球大小的冰雹到扭曲的龙卷风,地球上的天气可以说是无奇不有,但即使是我们见过的最极端的天气也无法和太阳系其他行星或宇宙中数百万光年以外的行星上的天气相比。通过参观先进的实验室和使用神奇的CGI图像 Alice Roberts explores the latest discoveries in the study of human origins, revealing the transform Changes to the bacteria that live inside all of us are responsible for increasing the number of peop Dr Michael Mosley seeks to establish the truth about meat. Every year, humans raise and eat 65 billi Dr Michael Mosley seeks to establish the truth about meat. Are those barbecue favourites like burger 升级公告
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